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Bulk import users, add users manually, or use SSO to allow your identity provider to provision anf deprovision users.

Adding Users:

It is very difficult to have a learning management platform if you don’t have learners. Fortunately, Tovuti gives you several ways to get your users into the platform.

Tovuti allows administrators to batch upload users via a CSV file. This method gives you a template to fill in all your pertinent user information and then upload the CSV to the system. Once uploaded, the system can then send welcome emails to all of your new users

If you work inside of an organization that utilizes Single Sign On or SSO for security and convenience, Tovuti can create users via SSO as well. Tovuti supports SAML and Oauth tokenization and works with most major platforms.

Finally, your organization may want users to be able to sign themselves up for the learning platform. Tovuti allows you to create multiple sign up pages that allow users to register themselves and pay any subscription fees you may charge them. You can customize the registration form and can create private forms to email out to potential users.