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With Tovuti's auto-notifications feature, learners will automatically receive emails when they get a new assignment, have a certificate that is expiring soon, or for an event they registered for. There are many more examples of auto notifications so think of all the ways Tovuti can help you with some of those manual tasks you used to do.

Auto Notifications:

Tovuti can automate many email tasks that come with running a training platform. When you assign a course to learners, they can get an email. When a certificate is going to expire and a learner needs to log in to keep it up to date, they get an email. With Tovuti's auto-notifications, you set it up once and then let Tovuti handle the rest.

There are many uses for auto-notifications and Tovuti lets you customize each email that goes out to learners. Why spend hours manually creating reminder emails when Tovuti can do it for you?