Reward your learners by allowing them to earn badges and showcase them on their profile.
Badges are a great way to incentivize your learners and let learners show off their achievements to others. Tovuti has badging built in and it is very simple to start creating badges right now.
To create your first badge, go to the administrator dashboard and click on the Awards tab. From here click on Badges and Certificates and click New. Give the badge a title and some hover text that will display if a learner mouses over the badge. Now choose when a badge expires and upload an image for the badge.
Now click on the Requirements tab and choose whether the badge will be assigned to users or if the users have to complete certain tasks in order to automatically earn it. To set requirements in order to earn the badge, click on the plus button and then specify the task that must be completed. To add multiple tasks that need to be finished before earning a badge, just click the plus button again and specify another task.
Badges can be earned by completing courses or lessons, attending events, and achieving a new user group or access level. Once earned, badges will appear on the learners dashboard, in their profile, and on their transcript.
Everyone likes earning badges so start building some for your learners now!