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Tovuti gives you full control over the navigation menus on both public-facing sites and internal learning portals.

Configurable Navigation:

Tovuti is all about being configurable and customizable and that is why you have full control over your menus and navigation. For Tovuti’s more common features, there are pre-built menu items just waiting to be turned on. You can create menu items for almost all of Tovuti's various pages and functions. Tovuti also allows you to bring in external links and turn them into menu items as well.

To configure your navigation menus to just the way you want them go to the Design Center from the admin dashboard and then click on Navigation. From there choose whether you want to configure the top header public menu that would be on your Tovuti website or the Dashboard Left Side Menu that would help learners once they have logged into the platform. From here, you can rename navigation items, choose new icons for existing menu items, or build brand new navigation buttons that are unique to your organization.

Tovuti knows that every organization is different, that is why we give you the freedom to choose how your learners navigate the platform.