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Quiz your learners at every point of the journey, leveraging a wide variety of question formats.

Quizzes and Assessments:

A key aspect to training and development is assessing your learners. This is how you discover knowledge gaps and refine your training. It should come as no surprise that Tovuti has assessments built into the system.

Tovuti’s quizzes allow you to create true/false, multiple choice, drag and drop, fill in the blank, and mark the words questions. You can create question banks and set up quizzes to draw a specified amount of random questions to give users each time they take a quiz. Tovuti lets you set passing percentages and gives you the opportunity to let learners retake quizzes they weren’t quite prepared for.

With Tovuti’s assessments, you can be sure that your learners are understanding the concepts you are teaching them and you won’t stress about creating quizzes anymore.